SynoTek, LLC

Property Management and Consulting

Comptetive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence (CI) is the systematic monitoring of your competitors' online presence to determine what they're doing now – and what they're likely to do in the future. This type of information can help you make better strategic and tactical decisions, and allow you to gain a better understanding of your own competitive position.

Competitive intelligence is the process of building and maintaining a deep awareness of your competitors. That way you can better understand their strategies and anticipate their future actions, in addition to making smarter decisions for your own organization. Competitive intelligence revolves around three key factors – the market, your customers, and your competitors.

Personal data is collected by SYNOTEK, LLC and processed regarding prospective and current clients and employees/agents of those clients for the purpose of rendering professional services to SYNOTEK, LLC’s clients. Personal data may be processed in limited circumstances pertaining to the general public in order to respond to requests for information submitted via SYNOTEK, LLC’s website. Should such a request be received from the general public, SYNOTEK, LLC will use the personal data voluntarily provided via the website to reply providing the requested information or communication to the individual making the request.

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