SynoTek, LLC

Property Management and Consulting

Property Managment for your Physical Assets

SynoTek, LLC is not an ordnary Property Management firm that makes your organization fit into the “check-the-box” mentality for propery management. Rather, we develop the solutions to fit your goals for your physical and digital estates.

As a property management company we manage the operation, control, maintenance, and oversight of real estate and physical property. Our management services provide the property to be cared for and monitored, with accountability for and attention to its useful life and condition. We coordinate any maintenance issues, supply the owner(s) and any relevant information regarding the property, etc.

Personal data is collected by SYNOTEK, LLC and processed regarding prospective and current clients and employees/agents of those clients for the purpose of rendering professional services to SYNOTEK, LLC’s clients. Personal data may be processed in limited circumstances pertaining to the general public in order to respond to requests for information submitted via SYNOTEK, LLC’s website. Should such a request be received from the general public, SYNOTEK, LLC will use the personal data voluntarily provided via the website to reply providing the requested information or communication to the individual making the request.

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